Welcome to Prescott Valley
Healing Field
of Northern Arizona
What are all the flags about?
A tradition stretching over 11 years, Prescott Valley’s Healing Field® display draws area resident of Northern Arizona together in a memorable and inspiring tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11th of 2001. As the years pass, it becomes more and more important to remember those killed in what was then an unfathomable act of savagery and depredation. Innocent victims deserved to be remembered, and as the mature are reminded, we have the task of teaching youth, many who were yet unborn when highjacked airliners became weapons of death and destruction.
This display of nearly 3,000 U.S. flags creates an atmosphere of optimism and healing, which must be experienced in person to be truly appreciated. All are invited to visit the display at the Prescott Valley Town Center, which will run from Friday, September 6th through Friday, September 13th of 2024. You will be amazed to see this touching experience.