We are having a Student Essay Contest again this year.
The Prescott Valley Healing Field of Northern Arizona is one of only two such displays in Arizona. The Field of 3,000 American flags plus 19 honors the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The additional 19 flags fly in remembrance of the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots who died fighting the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire.
The Essay Contest is an educational opportunity for students to learn about 9-11 and the people - civilians, policemen, and firefighters - for whom the flags fly. We are reaching out to you to encourage the kids in our community to value American Patriotism, and the sacrifice of so many who have fought to keep us free.
Fourth through twelfth grade students are invited to write a 500-word essay. This year's essay question is:
2024 Essay Question
Why is 9/11 so important to remember
and to honor the victims?
Deadline for entering is October 1, 2024. With each essay, please include contact information, including school/teacher, email and phone number.
TEACHERS: Please submit only your chosen three essays from your class for submission.
All essays should be submitted via email to: HealingFieldPV@gmail.com
Winners will be presented awards and all participants will be recognized at a Town of Prescott Valley Council meeting on October 10th, 2024.
​For more information fill out the form below or contact
Lori Hunt at 928.642.5788